
To own a property on the French Riviera offers many opportunities to enjoy beautiful weather, sea, nature, food & beverages and culture.

However, owning a property far from home in a foreign country can also bring various problems that can be difficult and expensive to handle from a distance.

Authorities, administration, language and culture are completely different from what one is used to and not always easy to relate to. It can easily create misunderstandings and frustration that one can be without.

Usually, physical presence is required to address the problems, which in itself can be difficult to arrange, especially if something unforeseen has occurred.

Riviera Property Assist offers such a presence and experience so you can fully enjoy your second home, knowing that you locally have someone who can handle any problems and give you peace of mind.

We offer the assurance of having someone in place who safeguards your interests instead of getting on the first best flight and trying to sort out the problem in time.